Saturday, January 24, 2009

Aryan Facts and Invasion relics.

India cannot deny its past simply because of the fact that there now exists a border and a part of it has been curved out as Pakistan.There is,no doubt,that part of the credit goes to even Pakistan when the search of the Aryan invasion discoveries are put in the right order and the puzzle is completed.Lets not forget that Iranians claim that they are a nation of Aryans and hence their country is befitted with the name Iran-"the Land of the Aryans".It is not fair that there are excavations going on in Pakistan that have lead to the discoveries of civilizations that are far more older than the Mohenjadaro.Also ,what the Archeological survey of India says that the findings in the saraswathi valley is also older from the Harrappan Civilizations.Hence ,it is no doubt that the early civilizations of the South Asia and the middle east culd be dated back to be beyond 10000.B.C.
This rules out that the Aryan invasion happened in about 8000B.C.

The Barbarians who were once isolated from their communities were all well settled in the Unral mountains and the Hindukush mopuntains until the time when Egyptians made large amounts of trading from land and thus the survival of thr Aryans could have been threathened.Haence their Invasion must have been inevitable.This invasion has been a success for some time and then after the invasion there must have been a massive build-up of military power by the barbarians.

Soon,the barbarians didnot spare even the nomadic people.They realised that fire could be a potential weapon against their enemies.They believed that since hay catches fire from the sun and volcanoes,the sun and the valcano were deemed as gods;later the usefulness of fire was personified and this made the barbarians to adapt to their icy hostile environments.

Despite possessing the new weapons the barbarians were utterly defeated by the nomadic people in the later stages of their developments.This lead the barbarians to master other techniques and domesticate horses.I think,this practise must have been one of the reasons that Zorastor refers to the horse-chariot races being carried out as a tradition though its significance must have been the demonstation of power to overpower the nomadics that the barbarians once carried out a few thousands of years ago before them.

At the time the barbarians were domesticating the tamed horses,the civilized people were all using domesticated cows and dogs for thier protection.At one time,some of the man-eating tribes were attacted by the civilized people.So many had to be massacred as they were not even short of any appearances.Hence their annihilation was the souls purpose of the civilized people as their chance of attacking with the help of the barbarians was likely.The civilized people did not possess any horses.With this advantage,the barbarians went on to conquer the entire asian continent and later ,some parts of Europe as well.

The Batch of troops who arrived at Europe in the dark ages must have become unchalleged by man-eating tribes.By then some of the troops must have managed to enter into Egypt and made amny of its residents flee.These people joined the others who had earlier fled in similar attacks and later they migrated along with them to other civilized societies,predominantly being the Harrappan and the Chinese yellow-river valleys.These civilizations were like  gate-ways for the entire Asian continents and the South-east Asia.

The barbarians used to rip apart the baody of their enemy manually.They soon became 

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